Why Is Lisa Write For You?
Hello! If you have stumbled across this website, then I believe it is safe to say that you have an interest in writing, learning how to write and possibly even learning how to write a book. Let me go even one step further. I believe if you are reading this, you have a story to tell, and you want to obtain information on helping you tell that story- so why stop at writing a book?
Since you’re here… kick back, relax, and let me share with you how easy it is to also publish a book and allow me to share with you the tools you will need to make it happen! I have a lot to share and a lot that I want to share what has helped me along my path- and that I know will help you along your exciting journey to get your work on the stands for the world to see!

What Will We Cover?
Before your book will hit anyone’s stand, you want to be sure that your book makes sense grammatically. There are many rules when it comes to English speech and the English language, and to become a noticed and sought after author, you first must make sure that you are familiar with these rules.
Anyone can put words on paper, but if those words do not make sense to the reader- or if there are constant errors in your work, you will soon be noticed for the wrong reasons as a writer and the road will be a long one as you try to redeem yourself to your potential audience.
There will be many things discussed on this site from; breaking down the rules to basic English grammar all the way to writing and learning how to publish a book. I will also share with you helpful tools that will help jump-start your amazing journey so relax and let me show you why I am the write one for you!